Monday, August 15, 2011

the heights and the depths

Oh, Matthew, isn't it a wonderful morning? The world looks like something God had just imagined for His own pleasure! (Anne)
These words resounded in my head as God woke me up at 5:30am this morning. I brewed some coffee, opened the windows to let the surprisingly cool air in, and read while the sun rose in purply hues over the horizon. Bailey and I went on a walk through what I call "Windy Willow Way". On mornings like these, abiding in Christ seems palpable.

But then there are the other times.

Late Saturday a terrible storm hit Louisville, for no longer than twenty minutes, and in which our power went out--not just for a few hours--for a whole day! It was funny at first. Kellen and I bought ice to keep our food cold and spent the evening reading our books by headlamp.When we woke up in the morning, though, the power was still off and the ice was practically melted. I needed to shower due to my run the evening before, and my attitude completely changed to an absolute annoying grumbler. Kellen stayed calm (which annoyed me, too!), bought more ice and went on as normal.

In the aftermath, Kellen revealed to me that he, at first, was very perturbed by the incident as well. You see, we had gone to the grocery store a few days before and "stocked up". We are learning more and more each day that, for seminary students, each item of food is completely valuable and not to be wasted. So when all of our perishables were on the edge of perishing, Kellen realized the absolute need to trust in the Lord. Will we put our hopes in the tangible or the intangible? the temporal or the eternal? I was too annoyed to see the whole situation as an opportunity to trust God. Even something as silly and as fortuitous as milk spoiling can be placed into the hands of the Almighty.

Anyways, the power did come back on and the only casualties were a few mushrooms. My verse--Psalm 40:1 about waiting patiently for the Lord--keeps reminding me to do just that, wait PATIENTLY!
Peace can reign only where everything is as God would have it, in God's order and in harmony with His will. (Andrew Murray)
His will doesn't always involve have the refrigerator running nicely, but His will is for us to always be in Christ! This is the peace that passes understanding and circumstance.

The secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances. (Elisabeth Elliot)

IN OTHER NEWS: Kellen and I both got jobs!

Me, at a local coffee shop, to which I can ride my bike (
and Kellen at a local tutoring company. So, praise the Lord!

Bailey also has some exciting news:

She is officially an SBTS dog! We are so proud.

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